Standing Stone if offering a coupon code that will allow all content to be available on an account permanently if you use the code before August 31st.
Here is their announcement:
We would like to thank you for supporting us! To begin with, you can continue to enjoy playing all quests, raids, and adventure areas for free through August 31st, 2020. We would also like to provide a way for you to move forward with your gaming when our event eventually comes to an end, so in the coming days we will be providing a Coupon Code that will let you acquire all currently-available quest packs permanently on your account(s)! However, you will need to act quickly, as this Coupon Code is available to redeem through August 31st, 2020.
The Coupon Code is: LOTROFREEQUESTS (1/Account, available to redeem through August 31st, 2020)
This Coupon Code will grant the following to your game account:
Quest Pack: Central Gondor
Quest Pack: East Gondor
Quest Pack: West Gondor
Quest Pack: Wildermore
Quest Pack: Angmar
Quest Pack: Enedwaith
Quest Pack: Eregion
Quest Pack: Evendim
Quest Pack: Forochel
Quest Pack: Eriador Bundle
Quest Pack: Misty Mountains
Quest Pack: North Downs
Quest Pack: Trollshaws
Quest Pack: Lothlorien
Quest Pack: Great River
Quest Pack: Old Anórien
Region Pack: Far Anórien
Quest Pack: March of the King
Quest Pack: Battle of the Black Gate
Quest Pack: Legacy of the Necromancer
Quest Pack: Where Dragons Dwell
Quest Pack: The Vales of Anduin
Quest Pack: Mists of Wilderland
Additionally, in the near future, we will be conducting a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the LOTRO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points through August 31st, 2020:
Expansion Quests: Mines of Moria
Expansion Quests: Siege of Mirkwood
Expansion Quests: Rise of Isengard
Expansion Quests: Riders of Rohan
Expansion Quests: Helm's Deep
Instance Cluster: Rise of Isengard
Instance Cluster: Riders of Rohan
We are also announcing an update to our VIP program! Soon, VIPs will get access to a vendor that will grant them the following benefits once per day: 48-hours of town services items, a buff that negates item wear, and a buff that provides rapid crafting.
VIPs do not need to do anything to get this update, as your VIP account(s) will automatically receive this benefit in a game update in the near future.