Imbued Legendary Items received 4 more tiers for the main/DPS legacy (2 free, 2 you can add with star-lit crystals, 67 is the new limit), and 4 more tiers of the other legacies (3 free, 1 you can add with empowerment scrolls, 83 is the new limit). You need to add or earn IXP to take advantage of the new tiers.
Legendary Weapons have had their damage increased. Physical weapons will show an increased DPS rating, tactical will have higher Tactical Damage Rating. (This is in part to balance the non-LI DPS that had crept up relative to LIs due to scaling.)
Stats on gear, including the amounts in some existing essences, have changed. Main stats (agility, might, will) now contribute 3 points to mastery per point of stat. Other stat contributions have changed (I don't know all, but my hunter no longer gets Tactical Mastery from agility ).
The Black Book 11.1 continues with Gandalf inside Beorninghus, assuming you have completed the Shades in then Swamp quest line. Gandalf gives you Shades in the Swamp if you haven't done it. It is a prerequisite for Chapter 11.
You get the whole Black Book of Mordor as long as you have bought (in the store for LP or from the website for cash) EITHER Mordor or Minas Morgul. You can do Chapters 1-10 even if you don't have Mordor, and you can do the Shades in the Swamp and Chapters 11 to the end even if you don't have Mina Morgul.
You get sent back to the Second Age from a spot in the middle of the Gladdenmere. It ports you to Dingarth (before it became ruins). There is a Blazon of the Last Alliance that will port you to current time Ruins of Dingarth (in Mordor). There is also a Blazon of the Last Alliance in the Ruins of Dingarth that sends you to Second Age Dingarth, so you can get to it without swimming back to Gandalf. There is also a milestone if you like.
The Blazon of the Last Alliance in Adambel ports to Echad Uial in the Morgul Vale and vice versa.
There is a Task Board in Estolad Lan (Morgul Vale). It takes Cracked Lances for Great Alliance Rep, as well as Disgusting Filth, Night-touched Furs, Toughened Skins, and Tufted Ears for White Company Rep.
Dropped Flickering Essences are not bound, so they can be sold, traded, passed around. They are Tier 12 item level 405, minimum level 121, so they won't work in level 120 gear. Presumably we will get higher equip-level gear at some point.
Some quest reward gear is dropping as Bind-to-Account; Cordovan confirms this is a bug and it will be changed to Bind-to-Character soon. Minimum levels will be added to the gear, because apparently people were trading it to alts to twink them out. These changes will render the quest gear unuseable on characters lower than intended.
You may come across Rare Mordor Chests in Besieged Mordor. Unlike the ones in post-ring Mordor, these contain a Rare Mordor Treasure, which has craft materials in it, not gear. There is also a deed for finding all 10 of them.
Edit: There are Rare Mordor Chests in other areas. They tend to be deep in camps or near harder mobs.
One issue is that you must have 8 empty slots in your bag in order to extract the contents of the Rare Mordor Treasure. (You collect the treasure as a single item, but later right-click on it to open it.) It gave me 7 different kinds of craft materials.
Last edited by Michaleo on November 13, 2019 6:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
They belatedly announced that, with Update 25, a character can be in two crafting guilds (assuming the vocation has two guild professions). For example, Nodread, a Historian (Scholar, Weaponsmith, Farmer), is in the Weaponsmith guild and can now also join the Scholar guild.
Depending on what other crafters you have, you might want to change vocation to get one that has two guilds, or to replace an unused profession with one that could be a useful guild. If you change vocations, you preserve any progress and guild standing you have in any profession that is in common. (Warning: It preserves it only if you go directly from one vocation to another with the same profession. Once it is lost, you can't get it back.)
If you have an Explorer/Tailor, you might consider changing to be an Armourer/Tailor, which would preserve your Tailor and Prospector progress but replace Forester with Metalsmith.
If you have a Woodsman/Woodworker, you might consider changing to be an Armsman/Woodworker, which would preserve your Woodworker but replace Forester and Farmer with Metalsmith and Prospector.
Hobbit presents have been revamped. In theory, the present no longer depends on the level of the character receiving it. Many of the presents are scaled rather than specific values. They give small amounts (which can add up over time) of Virtue XP. There are some new interesting items.
Check before automatically discarding presents that used to be unexciting. The Scroll of Max Morale and Power now raises your max morale and power by 5% for 90 minutes. Dale-men's Crams double your ICMR and ICPR (it says +200%, but does +100%). Rejuvenation, Universal Morale and Universal Power Potions now give 15%. If you have any old versions of these stashed away, they were upgraded.
In the instance Eithel Gwaur, the green water is fatal. When you get to the Shadow-pit, you have to jump down to fight the first boss.
Part of the way up the Winding Stair 61.6s 2.3e, I was not able to continue on foot and thought I had reached a dead end. (I was on foot because of the stealth spiders.) I was able to climb over the rocks to continue on my warsteed.
You cannot reach Taurlingol from the road. You need to go east overland from where Legolas leaves you.
When you get to the quest instance She Who Walks in the Darkness, when you get tangled in the web, click on it to get out. The (slow) progress bar will show you struggling. It takes a while, and if you don't start soon enough, you'll die (and have to travel back to start the quest instance again). You'll need to escape, so take note of the map on your way in. At a crucial point near the end, I got anti-exploit messages (although I was running away, not attacking), but I ignored them and things proceeded.
In the instance The Harrowing of Morgul, you are supposed to destroy barricades. They cannot be selected or targeted. You just walk up to them to destroy them.
When you get to Minas Morgul, you will begin doing quests up the levels. The levels are similar to Minas Tirith. There are spots between the levels that are ranger camps that operate as quest hubs.
The mob density is pretty high and there are many roaming mobs. Because other people are running around, you have to watch for respawns.
Be sure to check the map for your quest destinations so you don't waste time going in the wrong direction around the level. Also be sure you are on the right level, since the map boundaries are sometimes hard to see. The quests are organized by level, so you might as well complete the level before moving up to the next.
Like Minas Tirith, there are walls that you can use for travelling. I generally found fewer mobs to fight through on the wall when I had to go a long distance.
Fighting your way back to the camp can be annoying. Get the port to Estolad Lan. You can port and swift stable to the entrance to Minas Morgul faster. If you have a long cooldown, you can use an Allegiance port->Instant travel to Magh Ashtu->Swift stable to Estolad Lan->Swift stable to Mina Morgul.
When you get to the Circle of Madness, there are plagues that give you a yellow eye. They are all severe, but note that some are on the ground and you can/must move out of them.
There are diseases DoTs that take away essentially all of your power. When you have no power, you can't do your cure skill. When your power comes back, you need to cure before your power gets drained again. Pots work, but have a longer cooldown.
Although the launcher still has the notice saying the quest instance Nothing for Nothing is closed because of a bug, it let me do it and it completed with no trouble. Note that when you escape, the objective says to talk to Rhadrog. As in some other cases, you actually talk to Dolenthol right there to port back to the camp where you talk to Rhadrog. (I think they may have added the quest ports back to camp later, since otherwise you have to fight your way back or port out and come back in.)
Re-entering Minas Morgul and getting back to higher levels is not too bad:
Enter the Gate-Warden's Keep, Barad Angarth (from the top of the map) and run out the bottom to get to the Circle of Wrath.
Emerging in the Circle of Wrath, turn right and a short distance away on the left is the entrance to the Tower of Treegarth. You can ignore mobs and enter.
Enter the Tower of Treegarth, Barad Orhant (from the top of the map) and run out the (map) left to get to the Circle of Sorrow.
Emerging in the Circle of Sorrow, turn right. Turn left when the way opens wide and in the near left corner is the entrance to the Star-gazer's Spire.
Enter the Star-gazer's Spire, Barad Elenath (from the top of the map). Turn around. There are steps down to where you came in, but also a door on the level of the camp that goes to the Circle of Madness.
Emerging in the Circle of Madness, turn right and go up the ramp and you will reach the Circle of Despair. Go straight ahead you will find the Lofty Watch-Fort.
Enter the Lofty Watch-fort Barad Arthir (from the top of the map) and run out the (map) right to get to the Circle of Death.
Emerging in the Circle of Death, turn left to get to the base of the stairs that lead you to the highest point.
I died a number of times in the Black Book instance in Barad Curon at the top. You get sent to the camp outside at the bottom.
Remember that you always enter the camp levels from the top of the map. The exits in sequence will be the bottom, the left, the top, and the right on the map. From your perspective, the sequence is straight across, to your right, behind you, and to your left as you enter. The first two circles, when you emerge you turn right. The third circle, you turn right and go up the ramp to the fourth circle.
Last edited by Michaleo on November 21, 2019 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
You will get a quest in the Circle of Despair called Gone Missing. This is actually reached on the Circle of Death, and leads to the instance Gath Daeroval, the Shadow-roost, whose location you discover at the far clockwise end of the Circle of Death, so don't be in a rush to get there before you do the Circle of Despair quests.
You will be at a higher level by the time you get there, but the instance can be run at 121 to complete the quest.
Between the first and final boss, there is an objective in which you must pick up eggs when they spawn and throw them off the cliff (by running to the cliff's edge, which is to the right as you enter). If you don't get them soon enough, they hatch, giving you more mobs to annoy you. You succeed when you throw 4 off the cliff, you fail if you allow 4 to hatch before succeeding. It took several tried before I got the hang of waiting for an egg to spawn, picking up the egg and moving to the spot where it triggers the throw (you don't do anything to initiate the throw, just get to the cliff edge and, of course, don't fall off the cliff).
There are four Kolos quests: Gurz, Holm, Mazauk and Throk, level 128. They are started when you encounter seals on the landscape. Roz Dagalur, the Fiend-house, is in the Circle of Sorrow. There are four sockets to click on, which then require components that are dropped by the Warden of Death (Gurz), Warden of War (Mazauk), Warden of Pestilence (Holm), and Warden of Famine (Throck).
Ideally, you should find the 4 seals before you enter Minas Morgul, then click the sockets when you get to the Circle of Sorrow. You will encounter the Wardens in the Circle of Despair and Circle of Death.
I reached maximum standing with the White Company while still on the Circle of Death quests. I did turn in task items, but most of them were Cracked Lances, which give Great Alliance rep. So you do not need rep accelerators for the White Company.
After completing the main quest lines, you get a quest Vale of Sorcery: The Reclamation Begins. It gives you pop-up hints and mentions the cisterns and the Circle of Despair when you are looking for a book. In fact, you need to go to the Shadow-roost instance entrance accessed from the Circle of Death (which you discovered on an earlier quest line), and to the left you will find the relevant NPC.
Oops! I somehow did not continue the Black Book after 12.5 The End of the Tale. (Apparently, I took the quest name literally.) It finishes on Tol Send in the Vales and rewards a cloak and a trait point.
However, Elrond at that location offers 13.1 Two Years of Peace, which continues the Black Book. The final chapter is 14.5 A Final Escape, which rewards another trait point.
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